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Data transformations


A central challenge of data visualization is the need to transform your data to a target structure. DuckPlot aims to solve this problem by allowing users to target the same visualizaiton with different underlying data structures. Let's take a long and wide view of the same sales data (souce):

Long view

Loading data...

Wide view

Loading data...

Because Observable Plot marks expect Tidy Data, DuckPlot performs a data transformation based on the specified columns of interest.

DuckPlot allows you to work with the wide view by automatically transforming the data to a long structure. In doing so, it will always transform the input data to a long structure with generic column names:


Multiple Y Columns

Specified Y columns will be unpivoted to create two columns: y, and color, where the y column holds the value, and the color holds the name of the unpivoted columns.

// Use wide data to show the AAPL and GOOG stock prices
  .y(["AAPL", "GOOG"]) // These become the values in the color column

Multiple color columns

Color columns will be concatenated into a new column

Given a long data structure where the metric is also stored in the column, you can specify each Symbol-metric pair as the desired color.

Input data

Loading data...

// Use long data to show the high and low prices for each stock
  .color(["Symbol", "Metric"])

Multiple Y columns and color columns

If you specify mulitple y values AND a color column, the y columns will first be UNPIVOTED, and then the resulting color column will be concatenated with the specified color columns.

Input data

Loading data...

  .y(["AAPL", "GOOG"])

Multiple X columns

Multiple X columns are only supported in the case of horizontal bar chart (barX). As a correlary to mulitple inputting multiple Y axes for other marks, this creates two columns: x, and color, where the x column holds the value, and the color holds the name of the unpivoted columns.

    "select * from stocks_wide where year(Date) = 2017 AND month(Date) = 1"
  .x(["AMZN", "AAPL"])


For certain mark types (barY, barX, areaY, line, rectX, rectY), DuckPlot will automatically aggregate the data based on the data columns (e.g., x, y, color, fx, fy...). If there are multiple rows with the same x, y, and color values, DuckPlot will perform a sum aggregation.

// Compute the total stock price per year for each stock (yes, a little weird!)
  .query("select *, year(Date)::VARCHAR as year from stocks")

You can also specify the aggregation type such as the avg for a more sensible plot:

// Compute the total stock price per year for each stock (yes, a little weird!)
  .query("select *, year(Date)::VARCHAR as year from stocks")
  .config({ aggregate: "avg" }); // makes more sense!

Because DuckPlot performs aggregation at the database level, there is limited support for using Plot's (fabulous) binning and grouping. To display continuous date values with rect marks, DuckPlot computes the appropriate time interval to prevent Plot from doing any additional visual aggregation. Thanks to Fil's insight, we have a good approach for doing this.

Because the stocks data has an observation each day, DuckPlot will render a mark for each day (preventing aggregation by week, month, or year). Quite helpful for spotting the missing dates in the dataset!

  .query(`select * from stocks WHERE year(Date) = 2018`)